Trés Dias welcomes
Anyone desiring to grow in faith and strengthen
their discipleship.

Join us for the Trés DIAS Weekend Experience​

Dates of Seculas

Candidates for Women's #31

Sheri McCaslin
Marie Johnson

Bible verse - Mathew 17:220

Women’s #31 Weekend

Dates: Thursday. April 24, 11:00 AM – Sunday. April 27, 7 PM

Camp Burton: 14282 Butternut Rd Burton, OH 44021 

The closing will be held at Christ Presbyterian Church this weekend. Closing time is 4:30 PM. 


Matthew 17:20  

“He replied, “Because you have so little faith. Truly, I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” 


Greeting my brothers & sisters in Christ.

I do hope this finds you all doing well and staying warm. It’s hard to believe we are already in March. Time sure does fly when you are busy! Before you know it, spring will be here.

Just a little update on Women’s #31.

Our meetings are going along nicely. We have meeting #4 (we’re halfway there) on Sunday, 9 March 2025. I am excited too, because this one is being held at a new affiliate church ~ Cross Point Alliance Church in Copley. This is Pastor Paul Yanchek’s new church. We chose this location because we have several team members who attend here.

The “talks” are progressing beautifully, as only God could orchestrate. It always amazes me how He can take 15 talks, written by 12 different people (in this case) and fit them together as if one person actually put pen to paper. We have no doubt who the author of the story is….

Now for some really important news. Candidates. I am tickled to say that we have two confirmed candidates thus far. I have spoken to these ladies, and I am so excited to meet them in person. What wonderful additions to the community will they be. If these two are an example of who God is bringing to this weekend ~ we are in certainly in for bigger blessings than one can imagine, and I am looking forward to meeting each and everyone.

May I remind you we do have a cut-off date for applications, and we are limiting the number of candidates to 28 ladies. Any applications received after this date or after that number is reached will be put on a waiting list for spring of next year. Let me say that again, we have a limit of 28 ladies for the weekend and the cut-off date for applications is 10 APRIL 2025. There will be no exceptions.

So, pray now and pray hard about who you will sponsor and get those applications in as soon as you can. I would love to see as many applications as possible received before the first of April to allow you all ample time to write those notes of love and encouragement.

That’s it for today’s report. Keep those prayers lifted high as we continue with our meetings and preparation. We all see the mighty hand of God at work within each of us and as a team.

The Team & I are so excited to see who else God will send to the weekend.


Lisa – W #10


Lisa Pringle (W #10)                      Rectora
Cindy Gecik-Zapor (W #14)        Asst Rectore
Lynn Turman (W #22)                  Asst Rectora
Debra Moore (W #21)                   Chief Auxiliary
Carla Coleman (W #28)             Asst Chief Auxiliary
Pastor Gibson (M #21)                 Spiritual Director
Diane Herrick (W #2)                   Spiritual Director
Kevin Robison (M #11)                  Music Director
Weekend Chair Committee
: Heidi Minick Starke & Dave Starke (W#8 & M#9)
Francine & Gilbert Stallworth (W#22 & #22)

Table Leaders:

Lori DeWitt (W#6)                                  Study

Tanya Pickett (W#21)                           Environments

Terri Trowbridge (W#19 – NVA)          Leaders

Julie Yanchek (W#10)                           Piety                  

Theresa Gibson (W#21)                       Christian Community in Action

Vikki Jackson (W#29)                          Action

Lindsay Gould (W#25)

Jane Lyon (W#9)                                   Ideals

Tracy Williams (W#30)

Diana Scott (W#30)


Shelley Shockley

Laurie Pantelemon (W#17)

Laura Skipper (W#22)

Jan Wolff (W#8)

Liz McArthur (W#13)

Bertha Simpson (W#14)

Rosa DiGennaro (W#17)

Tiana Williams (W#24)

Vallorie Peck (W#29)

Samantha Wolff (W#30)

Niki Haag (W#30)             –                  Reunion Groups

Tammey Parker (W#30)

Discover Trés Dias

About Tres Dias

Information to help you find and keep an active reunion group

About Cleveland Tres Dias

How Tres Dias defines an active member and suggestions for making known your desire to serve

Statement of Beliefs.

Things that Tres Dias does that you can join in

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes. The cost for the weekend is $175.00 per participant. The cost includes three nights lodging, meals, and all materials necessary for the weekend and transportation to the closing. Financial assistance may be available and should be requested when the participant’s application is filed. We ask only that you exhaust other sources of funding first. These include: 1) your sponsor, 2) your church, and 3) Christian friends,

We want to be clear: there should be no financial reason NOT to go on your weekend. We want you to be there and we will do all we can to make sure you can come.

Cleveland Trés Dias weekends are held at Camp Burton ( in Burton, OH. Transportation to your weekend is to be provided (or arranged) by your sponsor.

Anyone, a minimum of 21 years old, who is seeking a closer relationship with Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. We ask that those with serious medical issues consult their doctor before attending. The weekend involves walking between venues and the days are long and packed with activities, although none of the activities are strenuous.

A series of 15 talks are given by laity and clergy to cover the “short course in Christianity”. These talks are grounded in Scripture. Candidates worship and study in the presence of the Holy Spirit to glorify God. Many participants report that the weekend provided them with a space in which to grow in the knowledge of Jesus and themselves. Many meet God in a new way during the weekend.

TRES DIAS is an adult (age 21 and over) weekend that concentrates closely on the person and teachings of Jesus Christ. While TRES DIAS explores the basic Christian beliefs, it is best described as a spiritual encounter with Christ. Many who have attended the weekend have experienced a deeper and more meaningful relationship with Christ as they sense His love in a dynamic way.

That’s not true at all! Any activity that occurs on a weekend can be shared freely. All that we ask is that nothing of a PERSONAL NATURE that was shared on a weekend should leave the weekend.

  • In many cases, the speakers will share some very personal and intimate aspects of their lives. They share their stories with the understanding that it won’t become gossip.

  • By the same token, other participants many choose to share something personal, so we owe it to them – and to you – to honor the confidentiality of personal sharing.

After the three day experience, Trés Dias encourages people to share their witness, to glorify God, to serve through their church and to come up alongside each other in living out the Christian life in their own environment. In addition, we encourage people to join in accountability groups and monthly reunions for continued accountability and nourishment in their Christian walk. Many new members are excited to serve on upcoming weekends and attending these events makes their interest apparent.

  • To be open to respond to what you experience.

  • To be willing to begin an introspection of your Christian life.

  • To feel secure in the knowledge that you are accepted where you are.

  • To know that a specific response is not expected of you.

  • To be curious enough and thirsty enough for spiritual exploration and nourishment to acknowledge a need to commit a weekend of your life totally to Christ.

  • To “participate, not anticipate.”

Every participant must have a sponsor who has attended a Trés Dias or similar weekend (ie; Walk to Emmaus or Cursillo). Your sponsor provides support before and after your weekend. If you feel it is God’s will for you to attend, your sponsor will take the lead for your registration.

No, not at all. Trés Dias is not a substitute for active, contributing membership in your church. In fact, Trés Dias desires that members reenter their churches as leaders and many discussions occur on the weekend describing the ideal of Christian action centered in the local church. It is our prayer that God use Trés Dias as one of His many tools to help awaken the need for Christ in your life and/or strengthen the walk you already have with Him. We encourage candidates to be obedient in returning to their environments including their home church to spread the gospel of Christ.

This is an important question to ask. It is critical that you be comfortable about with whom you’ll be spending a 3-day weekend. If we can step back in history, the early Trés Dias participants felt that the weekends were such a blessing that they didn’t want to spoil what were considered very special parts of the weekend. As a result, people began referring to “secrets” within the weekend that were not to be discussed with potential participants for fear of ruining some aspect of the weekend. Over time, and particularly with the advent of the Internet, stories of secrecy began to spread, resulting in rumors that Trés Dias must be a cult, since secrecy is one of the hallmarks of a cult.

In response to those stories, much effort has been made to be completely open. While some individuals continue to mistakenly perpetuate the idea of secrets, there are no secrets in Trés Dias. We would like to be clear that on a Trés Dias weekend everything is to be done for the participant, not to them. The easiest way to think about a Trés Dias weekend is as a beautifully wrapped present. Telling you what is in the wrapped package, would partially rob you of opening the gift and experiencing it yourself.

In the interest of full disclosure, “The Essentials of Trés Dias” has been posted, for at least a couple of decades, on the Internet for anyone to see and review. (The Essentials of Trés Dias is the document that every Trés Dias community must adhere to). As you review the Essentials, you’ll note that each of the talks, the required meditations, the dynamics, etc. are all listed for anyone to see. There are no secrets in Trés Dias.