What is Tres Dias Cleveland ?
TRES DIAS was derived from Cursillo de Christianidad -“a short course in Christianity” which has been an active tool of church renewal since its beginnings in Spain in 1949. TRES DIAS was started in America in 1972. Individual weekends are sponsored and coordinated by local chapters which have been chartered by the national organization.
TRES DIAS is an ecumenical movement open to any Christians who are interested in deepening their Walk with the Lord. There are over 70 Tres Dias Communities around the world
Just as Christ meets you at your point of need, so TRES DIAS is designed for those who feel the need to be strengthened in their faith and to be brought closer to Christ in discipleship. All are welcome to attend the weekend, however, each attendee must be sponsored by someone who has previously attended a TRES DIAS or similar 3-day weekend experience.

A Testimony of Transformation through Tres Dias
A three day – weekend visit to basic Christianity may not be good for everyone, but it sure has been a blessing to most. I have pastored the same church for 16 years and in all of those years I have known people attend a Tres Dias weekend. The stories of changed lives and the tales of being overwhelmed by God’s love far out-weighs all else. Brand new Christians have had their faith deepened. Well-established believers have found a place to serve. Sometimes there isn’t a good fit between the needs of a candidate and the way a weekend runs, but that is very seldom. I am here to testify to the huge amount of good that Tres Dias has done for people at my church.
Andrew JJ Paton
Pastor – Clinton Church of the Nazarene