How to add New Member to the list and upload to the website.

  1. Go to the the Share Drive and update the list.
  2. Click on the file.
Click on "File" inside the Google sheet

3. Download the sheet.

4. Please make the name of the file unique name, like adding the date to the file.

File with date inside its name

5. Now login to the website, blow login.

6. You will be in the Dashboard area, now lick on Media in the left bar.

Media on left bar.

7. Find the Upload media button and upload the file.

Add Media button
Upload file prompt.
The file was uploaded

8. Verify the uploaded file. Click on the file.

Find the url and copy.

9. Copy the file URL.

10. Go to the page with the file.

11. Find the “Download The Database” button.


Finding the "Download The Database" button

12. Click on the button, and find the replace the existing URL with the new URL.

Find the URL.

13. Don’t forgot to hit the publish on the top-right. You can log off once this is done.

Hit the Publish button.